Lincoln County Detention Center

Lincoln County Detention Center
511 Hangar Ln, Carrizozo, NM 88301
Sheriff: Mike Wood
Phone: (575) 648-6510

Facility Capacity: 148 Beds
Warden: Ross Castleton

Ross Castleton worked with the Idaho Department of Correction for 25 years and retired in December 2021. He held positions of: Correctional Officer, Drug and Alcohol rehabilitation specialist, Lieutenant, Programs Manager, Warden, and Deputy Chief of Prisons. During his time with IDOC he held extra duties of: Prisons Security Audit team, Critical Incident Stress Management team member, Motivational Interviewing Trainer, First Aid CPR trainer, and Programs Auditor. As Deputy Chief he was over 5 facilities, the execution team Chief Of Operations, had oversight of all Education, Treatment, Programs, and Mental Health services for the IDOC. He was also over PREA and the point person for litigation with the AGs. He came out of retirement to accept the warden position at the Lincoln County Detention Center in February of 2023.

Contracting Agency:
La Pinon Agency
Julia Corrales
850 N. Motel Blvd., Ste. B
Las Cruces, NM 88007
Phone: (575) 526-3437
Facility PREA Manager:
Leticia Amaya
511 Hangar Lane
Carrizozo, NM 88301
(575) 648-6512